It's no doubt that it takes a special kind of person to be a nurse. The hours are long and the job is tough. Some say, "nurses are angels in comfortable shoes".
For one woman a trip to the salon became something more when a nurse fell asleep after a long sleepless night. After talking briefly with her stylist, she dozed off while her hairdresser worked.
That's when Ashley Bolling of Captivate Salon & Spa had a moment to realize who the person in front of her really was.

"I had one of those "stop-you-in-your-tracks," extremely humbling moments, while working quietly on the hair of a very exhausted, sleeping nurse. She'd been at work all night and hadn't been to bed when she landed in my chair, but not before stopping to buy my breakfast on her way. As she dozed off, I gently rested her head on my stomach and continued to foil her hair.... then I noticed her shoes," wrote Bolling in a Facebook post.

As the nurse propped her feet up before falling asleep, Bolling couldn't help but notice her shoes. What kind of story could they tell?
"I wondered how many miles those shoes have walked. I wondered what they'd walked through. Blood? Tears? In & out of the countless rooms of the patients she's cared for? I wondered how many hours they've carried her, and all those like her, while they literally save the lives of those we love and hold the hands of the ones who can no longer fight that fight," she continued.

"But with those shoes propped up in that chair, phone in her lap, I got the chance to take care of her (even if it was just for a few hours) and I felt extremely honored to take care of such a hard working, inspiring woman I'm so lucky to call my friend," she continued.
"I've always respected and valued these amazing superheroes and am proud to be the sister, daughter, niece, friend and hairstylist of so many. Know you are appreciated, know you are irreplaceable, know you are loved!" Bolling concluded.
Please SHARE this wonderful story to show nurses and medical professionals how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication.