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Want Clear Skin? This Simple Juice Will Give It To You

<div><p>There are so many medical treatments out there to get clear skin, but they can be so harsh! </p><p>This raw juice concoction will leave you with clear skin without any damage. It's a great detox that will rid your body of toxins and chemicals, leaving you feeling refreshed.</p><p>Whenever you're looking for skin remedies, always think to yourself. "If I wouldn't eat it, I won't put it on my skin." Your skin absorbs so much of what it comes in contact with, so you may as well keep things natural!</p><p>Here is your detox recipe:</p><ul><li>2 Carrots</li><li>1 Cucumber</li><li>3-4 stalks of celery</li><li>I large piece of Aloe (slice open and scrap the inside to put through juicer)</li><li>1 inch knob of Ginger root</li><li>3-4 leaves of dandelion</li></ul><p>Leave the skin on the veggies as you juice them so you get the most of what it has to offer! </p><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><p>Source: <a href="">Happy and Raw</a></p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p><strong>Carrots: </strong>high in anti-oxidants, reduces signs of premature aging, filled with vitamin A which prevents dry and cracked skin</p><p><strong>Cucumber: </strong>anti-inflammatory for the skin, rich in silica which benefits your hair, nails and skin</p><p><strong>Aloe: </strong>reduces signs of premature aging, helps regenerate skin cells, protects skin from external toxins</p><p><strong>Ginger: </strong>reduces congestion and mucus production, which can block the 'breathability' of skin</p><p><strong>Dandelion: </strong>helps improve liver function, high in zinc which balances hormonal system (a cause of acne)</p><p>A simple, tasty way to get clear skin without over-loading it with toxins! </p><p>Will you be giving this a try?</p></div>

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