One mom was left in shock after her daughter's teacher sent home a note shaming her for what was packed in her daughter's lunch.
The woman, who has remained anonymous, shared the note with her friend, who then posted it to Facebook.
The note is a pre-written message with a frowny face on it that says "Your child has chocolate slice (equivalent to an American brownie) from the Red Food category today. Please choose healthier options for [kindergarten.]"

The friend added,"My friend (mother of 8 healthy children, what follows relating to no. 7) received this today from her three-year old's kindy. I told her to put in two slices tomorrow and tell them to get lost. Just to throw this into the mix, my friend and her husband both have degrees in health science."
Melinda Tankard Reist, the friend who posted the image, also said, "My friend makes everything from scratch for her kids including bread and serves fresh healthy food everyday. Telling her she can't give her child a treat in her lunchbox when she wants it is hardly the equivalent of pornifying and sexualising children."
Continue reading to find out what people are saying, and whose side they're on.
The note has a lot of people talking, most of them saying that teachers are taking things way too far when it comes to shaming parents.
From the looks of it, the parents are aware of what foods are in the "Red Category," so it seems there have been guidelines set out as to what should be packed in lunches. But that doesn't mean the teacher gets to send a condescending note home, does it?

Some people saw the good intentions behind the note, however.
It's definitely brought a fair share of criticism. So what's your opinion? Would you be offended? Or thankful that your teacher cared? Let us know!