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Your Kids Will Love This Halloween Eyeball Wreath


How cool is this Halloween Eyeball Monster wreath?! Not only is it a totally unique idea, but it is the perfect door decor for Halloween. It is a lot of gluing, but the eyeball wreath is totally worth it! Give it a shot and let us know how it goes.  


  • Straw wreath
  • White ribbon
  • Wire
  • White ping pong balls
  • Googly eyes
  • Hot glue


  1. Wrap your white ribbon entirely around your wreath. Secure with hot glue.
  2. Glue your googly eyes to your ping pong balls.
  3. Once you have your eyes glued to the balls, start gluing the balls to the wreath. This will take some time, so get your kids to help!
  4. Once your wreath is covered in eyes it's ready to hang!

Here is the step by step instructions with pictures!

Wrap your white ribbon entirely around your wreath. Secure with hot glue.


Glue your googly eyes to your ping pong balls.


Once you have your eyes glued to the balls, start gluing the balls to the wreath.


Keep going until the whole wreath is covered, and you will have a spooky, creepy eyeball wreath!


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