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Your Kids Will Go Crazy For These DIY Ice Paints

<div><p>Why stick to basic paints when you can make these awesome ice paints?! We found this great idea over at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/One-Savvy-Mom-1470940523210246/">One Savvy Mom</a> and had to test it out for ourselves! These paints are a fun way for you and your kids to enjoy the outdoors this summer and are an awesome learning activity for young kids. </p><h2>Materials</h2><ul><li>Craft Paper</li><li>Tape</li><li>Measuring Spoons</li></ul><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><ul><li>Popsicle sticks or wooden craft sticks</li><li>Ice cube tray</li><li>Washable non-toxic paints</li></ul><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><h2>Directions</h2><ol><li>Add 1 tbsp of washable non-toxic paint and 1 tsp water in each space in your ice cube tray. Use as many different colors as you like!</li><li>Place a popsicle stick or wooden craft stick into each space in the ice cube tray.</li><li>Freeze the filled ice cube tray for 2-3 hours or until the paint is completely frozen.</li><li>Once frozen, remove your ice paints from the ice cube tray and place on a baking sheet or muffin tin (this will catch any of the melted paint and prevent it from leaking and causing a mess).</li><li>You're now ready to create your ice paint masterpiece! Roll out your craft paper and have fun!</li></ol><p>ADAPTED FROM: <a href="http://www.onesavvymom.net/2016/07/summer-toddler-craft-idea-ice-painting-how-to-make-ice-paints.html" target="_blank">One Savvy Mom</a></p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="68zT3mBQtOw"></amp-youtube></div></div></div></div>

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