New Perspectives

According To Your Zodiac, This Is The Type Of Dog You Would Be

We all know that dogs are pretty much the purest souls on the planets.

Each breed has its particular quirks and characteristics that make it the special little creature we know and love. Just like people, pups have their own funny little traits.

Although we're all individuals, just like the zodiac - each breed has a particular set of qualities that makes it identifiable from the rest. If you were a pup instead of a person, what does your zodiac predict you would be?

Find out below!

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Pug

Distinguished, yet dorky. Like the Pisces, these pups are capable of being sturdy and stable while being perfectly playful and clownish.  

Aries (March 21 - April 19): German Shepherd

Just like the Aries, these pups get into trouble if they're bored or inactive for too long. They desperately need exercise to stimulate their bodies and their minds!

Were you born in May? Find out what kind of dog you would have been!

It's fun to think of what might have been, especially when it comes to imagining what it would be like to be a dog for a day!

We've all got special qualities that combine to make us the unique people we are today. Astrology attempts to classify these qualities relative to the alignment of the stars and planets at the very moment we were born.

What we end up with is a complex picture of personality traits and quirks that define the choices we make in our lives. But what if you were born a dog instead? What breed would you be?

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): St. Bernard

Sociable and loving, these pups are calm, patient and gentle - just like the Taurus. Also like their zodiac namesake, they can be petulant and stubborn when they don't get what they want!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Weimaraner

Like the busy Gemini mind, these high energy, highly intelligent dogs can become quite hyperactive and destructive if there's nothing to occupy their minds!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) : Labrador Retriever

Similar to those born under the sign of Cancer, these sweet dogs are warm, intelligent cuddle monsters. They are playful, energetic and love to please.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) : Pit Bull

Like their Leo buddies, Pit Bulls sometimes get a bad rep. Contrary to the stigma surrounding their bully ways, these dogs actually LOVE being around people and thrive on being praised.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Shiba Inu

These medium-sized dogs don't like to be grabbed or rough play, much like the Virgo, they will approach you on their own terms.  They are generally good-natured, although, strong-willed and intelligent pups.

Feeling balanced? Check out what kind of dog the Libra-born would be...

The stars can only tell us so much about ourselves. Each combination of alignments makes for a new facet to your unique personality.

Not only does the sun sign reveal a bit about who you are, but there are many other planets in the solar system that were specially aligned on the day that you were born.

The way each lines up with the other paints a broad personality picture and a prediction of your future life. Some of us are fierce defenders of our families, like the Great Pyrenees; while others are high-endurance workers like the Husky. Which one are you?

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Australian Shepherd

Like the social Libra, the Aussie is at their best in social situations. They love to have a job to do that involves working with other people and they blossom in healthy, supportive companionships.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Great Pyrenees

These beautiful dogs are confident, gentle and affectionate - but watch out, they're quite territorial! Just like a Scorpio, nothing gets between him and his flock or family!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Beagle

The happy traveler, just like a Sag, the beagle is content to be outdoors and exploring the world around him. They have an even temper and an outgoing personality that makes it easy for them to make friends wherever they go.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Husky

Huskies are hard working dogs, just like their Capricorn namesake. They're not afraid of getting down and dirty with the team to achieve any goal set before them. They are well known for their amazing endurance and no-nonsense approach to life.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): West Highland Terrier

Social to the core, the Westie doesn't sit around waiting for things to happen. Like the Aquarius, they are playful, outgoing and always up for a game. They're very intelligent and curious dogs with a strong streak of fearlessness that is respected by other dogs big and small.

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[h/t Candy / PureWow]

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