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12 Inspiring Maya Angelou Quotes That Will Remind You Of The Beauty Of Living

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When you're feeling down, how do you change your mindset? Do you go for a walk? Eat a tub of ice cream? Write about it? Listen to your favorite song?

Sometimes, the most comforting thing to do is to receive encouraging words from a friend or family member. Sharing our problems and listening to a loved one's advice can give a different perspective and speed up the recovery process.

Maya Angelou, a beloved American poet and civil rights activist, was one of the most beautiful voices in life-changing poems, quotes, and testimonies.

Her numerous accomplishments and experiences made her a rich source of inspirational wisdom.

Before she became famous, she worked as a fry cook and night club dancer. Later, when she became a writer, Maya Angelou was asked to recite her poem "On the Pulse of the Morning" at President Bill Clinton's inauguration, which later won a Grammy award.

Here are some of our favorite sayings from her that will improve your outlook and help you get through the best (and worst) of times:

Choosing to love another human being is always a risk, because we give up part of ourselves and give them a chance to hurt us.

While it seems like a loss, love is the only thing worth having in the world, as Maya so eloquently points out in this poem.

Are you plagued with thoughts of all the stupid things you've said and done?

Just remember this whenever your past comes to haunt you: nobody else remembers.

If you are kind to someone, they will remember that. Not the weird thing you said that made you go red in the face.

It's easy to think most things are out of our control, but the wonderful thing about life is you get to master it.

Your choices influence where you'll go, who you'll meet, and what you'll do.

Make a different choice and something different will happen. Catch yourself whenever you begin to ruminate on negative thoughts.

Let me guess, your to-do list could stretch through the entire hallway.

There's no time to do it all! Might as well panic!

Focusing on time and accomplishment should never take you away from the things in life that matter, like enjoying an ice cream, admiring a sunset, or saying a kind word to a stranger.

In life, pain and beauty go side by side.

A college degree is obtained only through many hard years of study, a baby is only born through labor, and a healthy body is maintained only through a good diet and exercise.

Never forget the journey is just as important as the destination.

Think about it. Deciding to be the best at something wouldn't happen if you didn't love or enjoy it.

I never liked playing the piano so I quit, instead of becoming a talented musician.

Choose to focus your energies on the activities you love, not on those you think you should be doing.

Even if you already know certain pieces of advice, it's always helpful to hear them again when you've lost focus. You might have even heard a few of these quotes before and never knew who they came from:

Words to live by.

Life isn't about "getting through." Every moment is meant to be lived, and cultivating a positive outlook is one of the best ways to do this.

Be excited about things, love people, laugh always, and take care of yourself.

I discovered the depth of this truth only recently when I realized I was watching shows that left me with a depressed and upset feeling afterwards.

From then on, I've made the decision to eliminate movies, books, and songs from my life that didn't improve my outlook.

All you have to do is look back on history to realize that prejudice is just as big of a problem today as it was then.

Having negative preconceived notions about a person or any group of people is always counterproductive. It stunts your own personal growth and disrespects those around you.

Taking care of other people is a wonderful thing, but not if you neglect your own needs.

I wish my mom had taken more time for herself when I was younger and continued going to the gym.

I can see now that working out makes her so happy, and I would've wanted her to do that.  

We're all guilty of this to some degree: Begging for someone's attention when they don't actually care at all.

Never forget how much you have to offer even if someone doesn't accept you for the way you are.

Surround yourself with people who love you and appreciate your gifts.

What is "normal"? There's no such thing.

You are not the same as any other person who has or ever will live, so embrace your differences and follow your passion.

There's only one you so be the best you.

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If you liked these quotes, check out famous sayings from Gandhi, Dr. Suess, and Winnie the Pooh to warm your heart and help you find inner peace.

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