Cats are just...cats are great. They are unintentionally hilarious, moody, and adorable.
Much like humans, cats love to sleep. UNLIKE humans, cats get to sleep for 23 hours a day and no one gives them a hard time about it.
Cats will sleep just about anywhere and everywhere and anytime. These pictures definitely prove that.
Take a look at these cats just enjoying their naps and tell me you don't feel the tiniest bit jealous.
1. I hope it doesn't rain.
2. That...that can't be comfortable.
3. Like father, like son.
4. A bridge to better places.
5. The only way to get the wrinkles out.
6. Be your own pillow.
7. Be one with nature.
8. Are we sure there's even a cat in there?
9. Two is better than one.
10. "This is the only place the dog can't get me."
11. Pocket-size cuteness.
12. The ground was cold, okay?
13. She's musically inclined.
14. Almost made it, little buddy.
15. Is this a new yoga position I don't know about?
16. The perfect fit.
17. "Don't turn on a heat lamp if you don't expect me to use it."
18. Computer charger or cat charger?
19. Looks like someone is a pillow thief.
20. How did you even get in there??
21. More proof that cats are liquid.
22. When dinner is taking too long to be served.
23. Who doesn't love a good nap by the fire?
24. "If this box wasn't made for me, why do I fit so perfectly?"