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29 Celebrities Who Have Incredible Animal Lookalikes


If you didn't have a twin, you probably wished for one when you were a kid. It would have been so cool to prank your teachers and swap roles for a day!

These celebrity doppelgangers probably aren't exactly what they had in mind when someone told them they had a lookalike.

We're used to seeing people who look so much like our favorite celebrities, that it can be hard to tell them apart. But, how many can say they've seen an animal that looks like a celebrity?

Taylor Lautner and this Alpaca

John Travolta and this Pitbull

Richard Branson and this Dog

Have you laughed out loud? Turn the page for more!

There's no escaping these crazy celebrity lookalikes. It doesn't matter who you are in politics or Hollywood, nobody's safe!

Whether it's a dog or a llama, a caterpillar or a sloth, if it looks like a celebrity, it's in this list. While some might resemble a single feature, for others, the resemblance is downright uncanny!

Which one is your favorite?

The Dalai Lama and this Llama

Rowan Atkinson and this Owl

George Clinton and this Caterpillar

Adam Driver and this Cat

Miley Cyrus and this Giraffe

Donald Trump's hair and this Caterpillar

Ron Perlman and this Dog

Snoop Dog and this Dog

Payton Manning and this unimpressed Pup

Young Justin Beiber and this Sloth

Whoopi Goldberg and this Dog

Putin and this Dog

Steve Buscemi and this Dog

Gary Busey and this Monkey

Anthony Kiedis and this 'Hipster Horse'

Iggy Pop and this bald Sphinx Cat

Gene Simmons and this Cow

Cher and this Dog

George Bush and this Monkey

Wallace Shawn and this Sea Lion

Rhianna and this Alpaca

Einstein and this Cat

Benedict Cumberbatch and this Otter

Gordon Ramsay and this Dog

Taylor Swift and this King Charles Spaniel

William H Macy and this Dog

If you loved these lookalikes, you've got to read about the little monkey who looks almost exactly like this popular movie villain!

[h/t Today]

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