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4 DIY Decorations for Your Baby's Nursery

Congratulations on the new baby you're getting ready to bring into the world! This is likely an exciting time for you, and you want to greet your child in the most inviting way possible. Setting up their nursery is the best way to say hello with love, so here are four DIY decorations to get you started.

1. Create a Nameplate

One of the most creative things you can do when setting up your baby's nursery is to give it some personality. Adding a nameplate can be a good idea if you've already assigned your little one a name. You can do this if you've already had your ultrasound and have chosen to know the child's gender.

If you're having your child with a surrogate mother, you'll need to ask her for the information. You must budget your shopping according to how much you spend on the surrogacy. The price of surrogacy can change depending on the surrogate mother's habits and expenses, the number of children she is carrying, and the cost of any eggs you may have used.

You can choose various methods to find a nameplate. You can search department stores or shopping sites exclusively reserved for baby items. Alternatively, you can visit a crafts shop and purchase raw wooden letters. Then, you can color the letters and hang them on the wall. It will be a more personalized gift for your child’s new room.

2. Design a Crib Mobile

A crib mobile is one of the most vital items to add to a baby's nursery. It will help to train your child's eyes and provide him or her with something to focus on. There are hundreds of different mobiles you can set up in your baby's nursery. You can create your own with fun trinkets you find in a store. Be sure to choose a theme, like the sky (clouds, sun, moon, and stars) or fruits (strawberries, blueberries, bananas)!

3. Set Up a Music Station

Your baby will probably also enjoy listening to the sounds of soothing music. Thus, a nice radio or Bluetooth speaker might be a good idea when the baby is alone. You can then set up a music station in the nursery. Since 95% of all packaged products are shipped on wooden pallets, you may have a pallet lying around that you can use as a unique table for your new baby’s music! You can even paint the pallet a fun color that matches the rest of the nursery.

4. Crochet a Rug

Architectural Digest says that 84% of homeowners had decided to renovate their homes after finishing another remodeling project. If you fall into that bracket of homeowners, your remodeled nursery may be the second project you’ve recently invested in! That means you’ll want to spend time playing with your baby in their nursery once they grow big enough to play on the floor. With this in mind, consider crocheting a unique rug for the nursery space. It’ll be cozy and the perfect accessory for your baby to play on.

Those are some helpful ideas you can use when you're ready to start DIYing before your baby arrives. Go through the list and choose the ideas that seem reasonable for you to tackle!

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