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5 Tips To Becoming A Kitchen Pro, From Gordon Ramsay

Everyone has seen Gordon Ramsay on TV at some point or another. Maybe you've seen him on Hell's Kitchen, yelling at everyone for undercooked scallops.

Or maybe you've seen him on Masterchef, being tough but helpful with all the amateur cooks in the competition.

Or maybe you've even seen him on Kitchen Nightmares, trying to understand how a restaurant with 3 items on the menu can still manage to screw up every order it sends out.

But what we can sometimes lose sight of in the craziness of Gordon Ramsay's shows, is that he's actually an incredibly talented and well-respected chef.

Here are some pro-tips from Ramsay himself to help you become a Masterchef in the kitchen!

Roll Your Herbs

Ramsay shows home cooks in a YouTube tutorial that rolling your soft herbs (like basil) to chop them helps prevent you from losing all the goodness and flavor. When you chop them flat, the leaves "bleed" their goodness onto the cutting board, but rolling them allows for a cleaner cut.

Ripen Fruit Quickly

Bananas go ripe quickly, so they can actually help speed up the process for other fruits. Add a banana to a paper bag along with whatever fruit you need ripened and you will get fast results!

Continue reading to see how to get rid of lingering burns on your hands after cutting hot peppers!

Neutralize The Burn

Have you ever cut a jalapeno or otherwise spicy pepper and felt a burning sensation on your hands? Did you then forget that you had spicy pepper juices on your hands and rub your eyes? Yep, me too. Ramsay suggests squeezing fresh lemon juice onto your hands after cutting the pepper to neutralize the burn and prevent unwanted spreading.

Pick Your Pepper

So apparently, that knob on top of the pepper grinder actually does something! Did everyone know this? Am I just really behind the times? Twisting it will adjust the grind on the pepper, making it either coarser or finer. A coarser grind is great for steak, while a finer grind is perfect for fish!

Check Steak Doneness With No Thermometer

Ramsay says there's a way to check the doneness of steak using just your hands and how they feel!

Rare feels like the top of your palm (the meaty part by your thumb)

Medium feels like your lower wrist (where you'd check your pulse)

Well-done feels like the top of your wrist.

Will you be using these tricks in your own kitchen? Let us know!

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