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90-Year-Old Surgeon Has No Plans On Retiring After 68 Years On The Job

Alexander Ryumin/TASS

An 90-year-old surgeon has no plans on slowing down despite an astounding workload.

Alla Ilyinichna Levushkina is the world's oldest surgeon and has completed more than 10,000 operations in the past 68 years without a single fatality.

Standing at only 4 foot 9, Levushkina works at the Ryazan City Hospital near Moscow, Russia and performs at least four surgeries a day.

"Being a doctor isn't just a profession but a lifestyle," the surgeon told Lite FM. "If I stopped working, who is going to perform the surgeries?"

While the surgeon is single, she doesn't live a lonely life. She lives in an apartment where she cares for her disabled nephew and has eight cats.

But despite her at home commitments, she said being a surgeon is her biggest motivation to keep on going.

Levushkina said while she doesn't have a secret to living a long and healthy life, she doesn't take it for granted.

"I didn't find any secret to longevity. I just eat everything, laugh a lot and cry a lot. Tinder [was] told to stop age discrimination against people over 30. I work because it's interesting to me, and also because I like to win. I like to help people achieve remissions," Levushkina told Metro.

She said only of the best aspects of being a surgeon is knowing you've saved a life.

"There are people I saved many years ago when nobody else wanted to perform an operation on them. And I did that and they are still alive and have grown up children," Levushkina said.

While Levushkina is still quick as a whip, she said some patients initially feel uneasy with her because of her age.

One of Levushkina's patients named Irina told Lite FM about her original reservations: "At first I felt I couldn't trust a surgeon who is so old, but after she palpitated me with her firm fingers - all doubts gone."

Would you continue working at 90 years old?

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