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At-Home Health Hacks: How to Boost Your Well-Being Without Leaving the House

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, more of us are staying home than ever before. And while many businesses are starting to reopen, there are countless individuals who plan to remain in their homes as much as possible to continue flattening the curve. Although it's fine to leave the house for essential trips and even for solo outdoor excursions, you might be inclined to put off non-urgent health appointments for the foreseeable future; despite any precautions your doctor's office might be taking, it simply makes sense to minimize your contact with others as much as you can.

But that doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to another few months of unhealthy eating, poor sleep, lack of focus, and a variety of other nominal aches and pains. There are a number of steps you can take at home to boost your overall health and immunity in the interim. Here are some housebound health hacks you might want to consider trying out.

Revamp Your Work Space

If you're adjusting to working from home and your employer might continue to allow remote work even as businesses reopen, you'll want to give some more thought to your office setup. Whether you have a dedicated space in which to work or you've been camping out on the couch with a laptop, there might be a better alternative that helps you stay focused and comfortable. You might consider purchasing a standing desk to combat the problems associated with sedentary lifestyles. At the very least, invest in some better lighting for your desk setup to prevent eyestrain. Don't forget to keep a full bottle of water at your desk while you work so you can remember to hydrate!

Overhaul Your Hair Routine

You might not be showering as frequently if you aren't leaving the house much, but this is still a good time to rethink your haircare routine. The average person loses around 100 strands of hair every day, but you can mitigate hair loss and promote overall hair health by switching to sulfate-free shampoos, exfoliating your scalp, removing product buildup, rinsing with cool water, and forgoing heat styling as much as possible. Remember to shower right after exercising to bolster hair health and to take a vitamin D supplement to ensure your hair can grow thick and long. After all, if you can't get to the salon, you'll want to show your locks as much TLC as possible.

Start Eating More Fresh Produce

Quarantine has prompted many of us to snack more than usual, but that doesn't mean you need to turn to junk food. Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can help with everything from weight maintenance to heart health. Fruits and veggies can even remove plaque! Since 32% of people say they're concerned by the look of their teeth, chomping on crunchy foods like carrots, celery, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, and radishes can actually help to remove plaque buildup by washing away leftover food particles. While these ingredients are no substitution for regular flossing, you can definitely feel good about munching on them after meals.

Walk Around the Neighborhood Each Day

Regular exercise plays a key role in our physical health. Although Gibbon developed the cardiopulmonary bypass in 1953, you should do everything you can to prevent heart issues -- and that includes fitting in some fitness. But you don't have to be a world-class athlete to benefit from daily physical activity. A daily walk or bike ride around your neighborhood can be a great way to burn some calories and stretch your muscles. Keep in mind that you should wear a mask if you're not able to stay six feet away from others during your stroll.

Start a Gratitude Journal

It's all too easy to become overwhelmed by the news cycle and feel depressed as a result. That's especially true if you're feeling isolated right now or you're out of sorts since your regular routine has been disrupted. But a good way to get out of that rut is by expressing gratitude every day. Data shows that thinking about what we're grateful for can completely change our outlook on life. Writing in a gratitude journal and expressing even small things we feel appreciative of, especially during an uncertain time, can be extremely powerful. You might be amazed by how drastically this can help your mental state and give you the energy push through.

While some of these tips might seem like common sense when it comes to good health, you might forget to focus on the basics during this overwhelming time. By referring back to these health hacks, you can recenter yourself and improve your sense of overall well-being -- even if you barely leave the house.

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