When you go on vacation, what do you do with your cat? Most pet owners leave their furry friends with a relative, or someone they trust. If you want the best for your kitty you might pay extra to leave them at a kennel.
But if you're in Melbourne and don't mind a ridiculous price tag, you might call Spotswood Cattery. Just do it quick, because they book months in advance!
The "cat napping" home has lots of space for cats who aren't picky about their surroundings, but for the most pampered felines only "The Residence" will do.

The Residence is a 250 square foot penthouse-style room for Melbourne's most demanding cats.
A stay there will cost you $80 a night, but there are lots perks including an ensuite litter box, scratching posts, a human-sized bed, a tepee and air conditioning.
It may sound ridiculous but the room is a hit with guests. Happy customers are already re-booking the room a year in advance. One cat-lover has shelled out $5,600 to give his elderly cat a 70-night vacation over next Christmas.

There's no chance of squeezing any more cats into The Residence before June, but you can always make a reservation on the Cattery's website.
Ebony Centazzo, the kennel's owner, says The Residence is perfect for cats who love to gloat about how pampered they are. Apparently it has a glass door, which is great at making the regular cats outside feel jealous.
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