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Cat Tries To Go Fishing But Runs Into One Problem

<div><p>Have you ever put your mind to something, convinced yourself to actually do it, then hit a roadblock? </p><p>Yep, me too. </p><p>This cat knows that feeling all too well. All he wanted was to go on a little adventure and catch some fish, but mother nature had other plans. </p><p>The fluffy cat went to his favorite koi pond to try and catch a fish friend. Instead, he found a sheet of ice covering the whole pond. It was like a game that he couldn't win. But a very, very cute game!</p><p></p><div class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="G33GWJ1486666708"><div class="migration-wrapper"><amp-facebook data-href="" layout="responsive" height="600" width="640"></amp-facebook></div></div><p></p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p></div>

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