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Clever Ways to Keep Healthy While Sitting in Front of a Computer All Day

A desk that contains only the necessities is ideal for optimizing work-focus as cluttered spaces often promote stress. Photo by Samule Sun on Unsplash

Nowadays, many jobs and even hobbies require long hours in front of a computer screen. Although this type of work is great for many reasons, long-term screen use in seated positions can have negative effects on overall mental and physical health. Because computer use is increasing rather than decreasing around the world, it's important to find ways to support your overall well-being while doing a desk job. Below we’ll outline a few tips that will heavily improve your emotional and physical health during day-to-day computer time.

Find a position that promotes good posture

Anyone that has sat at a desk in front of a computer for hours at a time knows how important good posture can be for your health, happiness, and even work productivity. A body that is continuously hunched over is one that will be undoubtedly in pain long after the workday finishes. So, how do people train their spines to support great posture even in seated positions?

For office workers, two must-have items that can dramatically improve posture are a supportive chair and a computer stand. In fact, sitting properly in an office chair can make all the difference, relieving discomfort, and stress in the process. After you’ve mastered that art, invest in a computer (or monitor) stand that will allow you to meet the top of the screen at an eye-level. These small changes will promote the posture you want and need in the long run, making you healthier.

Move around and stretch regularly

If you spend most of your time sitting in front of a computer screen, for either professional or leisurely reasons, you may frequently experience muscle pain, tension, and general irritability. This is because lack of real movement throughout the day can cause strain on the body and mind, especially if you’re stuck in a small space. To combat this, try and set a repeated alarm on your mobile phone that will alert you to stand up and move around the room for at least five minutes every hour. Even this small amount of regular activity can loosen tight muscles, promote blood circulation, and make you more relaxed overall.

Your level of performance in front of the computer is directly related to your mental and physical well-being. When your body is in a weak state, your mind will not function to the best of its ability, and vice versa. No one understands this more than people whose professions or hobbies require them to remain concentrated in front of a bright screen for multiple hours a day. Even gamers like online poker players are advised to incorporate daily stretching exercises in between activity. The bottom line is, whether in gaming competitions or at work, committing to personal rest can have long-term benefits for your holistic well-being. No matter the reason for your computer use, never underestimate the power of a nice, well-deserved break. It really can make all the difference.

No matter how small your room or home may be, try to set up a designated area for daily stretching exercisesPhoto by Maryjoy Caballero on Unsplash

Have healthy snacks on hand

One of the best benefits that working at home provides is the ability to eat as much as your heart desires. Instead of running from office to store to grab lunch, you can suddenly appear in your kitchen and prepare something quick.

However, with all these possibilities, sometimes people fall into the trap of stuffing their faces with junk food and washing it down with copious amounts of coffee. Instead, having healthy snacks on hand like cut apples, mixed nuts, or carrot sticks can curb your hunger while supplying your body with necessary nutrients at the same time.

Drink plenty of water

Do you suffer from frequent headaches or fatigue while working long hours on the computer? If so this could likely be a direct signal from your body, begging you to fill it with much more water. Did you know that the U.S. National Academy of Science recommends between 2.7 and 3.7 liters of water intake each day? Compare that number with how many cups you’ve drunk today, and you may or may not have some adjusting to do.

You’d be surprised at how committing to such a simple daily routine like drinking enough water can improve your overall health for the better.

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