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Dad Makes Amazing Sacrifice After Simon Disses Father-Daughter Act


Many parents would agree, they sacrifice a lot for their children. Whether it is free time, money or sleep, a parent will give up just about whatever it takes to see their children succeed and be happy in this world.

So when one dad did something so selfless for his daughter, hearts melted around the world.

Martin Gregory Lambert, 47, and his 10-year-old daughter Faye put it all on the line in front of thousands of people and the judges of "Britain's Got Talent."

The adorable duo sang "The Prayer," an operatic duet made famous when it was covered by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli in 1998.

At the end of their song, the audience was screaming with joy, but Simon Cowell wasn't quite so impressed....

While the other judges thought their singing was "beautiful" together, Simon had a different opinion:

"Faye, you started off the better, Martin, you were good on the first chorus," said Simon, "I'm slightly confused here because I don't know if it's the right thing or the wrong that the two of you are singing together."

That's when Faye's face fell...

The audience was stunned as Simon tried to explain his reasoning, it was clear that Faye and her father were upset.

Even David Williams was surprised by what Simon was suggesting. Split them up? How could he?

Then, Faye's devoted and loving father said the most touching thing: "If you'll put her through, I'll go."

Watch the audition video to see what Simon has to say to that!

[h/t Inspiremore]

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