If you visit Boston College late at night, when all the students and faculty are asleep, you'll find 63-year-old Fred Vautour working hard.

Every night, between midnight and 7 a.m., Vautour is busy mopping, scrubbing, taking out the trash, and doing all the other jobs that no one else wants to do. And it takes its toll on him. After 23 years on the job he says "You never really get used to working the night shift, but you adjust to it."

Vautour has spent his life working hard at tough jobs like this. He started work at age 14 and never went to college. As he started his own family, he realized that he wanted to work "not just for the money but because you want to be your best at what you do." And while he's a pretty good janitor, Vautour is an even better dad.

When he started working for the college in the '90s, Vautour was a chef. He learned that the children of Boston College employees can go to the school tuition-free. For a man with a low paying job and five children, this was an incredible opportunity.
And Vautour took advantage of it in the most amazing way.
Over the last two decades, whenever Vautour was tired of cleaning up after everyone else, he says he would remember the sacrifice he was making for his children.
And they say they appreciated all his hard work. "He is so passionate about work and about getting us to be the best people we can be," his oldest daughter Amy says. And Alicia, his youngest daughter, says "The biggest thing I learned from him was dedication."
Vautour's two daughters and three sons all made sure they got good grades, to pay their father back for his years of hard work.

Between 1998 and 2016, all five of Vautour's children attended and graduated from Boston College, and Vautour was allowed to hand them each their diploma on the graduation stage.
The janitor paid just $3,000 for each child, the cost of room and board after their scholarships were applied. In total, he says he saved $700,000 in tuition fees.
At home, the family has a wall of photos of each of them in their Boston College gear, a reminder of the place that unites them all. And even though his kids have graduated, Vautour is still working the night shift. Then again, that's no surprise.

He says that in the last 23 years as a janitor, he's missed just three and a half days of work!
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[H/T: People, Boston Globe, CBS News]