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New Mom's Doctor Called The Police On Her When She Asked For Help

Jessica Porten / Standard Net

New mom Jessica Porten has been experiencing Postpartum Depression (PPD) since the birth of her second daughter, Kira.

While the mood disorder can be grueling, Porten's case is not exactly unique. As many as one in seven women will experience PPD after childbirth, according to the American Psychological Association.  

Porten, her husband Scott, and their two daughters. Jessica Porten

That only makes the story this new mom shared on Facebook more shocking, because it could happen to almost anyone.

As Porten explains, she was already in a bad mood when she arrived at a recent doctor's appointment for Kira. The office kept moving the date back, and Kira was already four months old. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Porten says she waited an hour in the clinic before being called into an exam room with a nurse practitioner. Porten explained to her that she was living with "postpartum depression that is manifesting in fits of anger," and asked about medication to control it.

Porten and her daughter Kira.Jessica Porten

"I tell them I have a very strong support system at home," the new mom wrote on Facebook, "so although I would never hurt myself or my baby, I'm having violent thoughts and I need medication and therapy to get through this."

After a quick exam the nurse left the room to get the doctor. Then, the nurse came back alone, and told Porten she had called the police. But Porten's awful day would only get worse.

At first, Porten was shocked that the police had been called before she even spoke with a doctor.

The nurse practitioner explained that the police would take her and Kira to a nearby emergency room, and Porten was hopeful she would be given the help she needed at the hospital.

It took an hour for police to arrive (with a staff member watching Porten the entire time). Then, the officers made Porten drive herself to the hospital while they escorted her, since Kira's car seat was in her car.

"The cops can clearly see I'm of sound mind and that this whole thing is bull----," Porten wrote.

Police escorted Porten to the emergency room.Wisconsin Gazette

At the ER, Porten was assigned a security escort, and spent an hour in the waiting room before her husband arrived. Then the couple waited until 10 p.m. before they were given a rushed meeting with a social worker.

At midnight, Porten left the ER with a handful of pamphlets, but no new medication or an appointment with a therapist. No doctor even looked at her the entire day.

Jessica Porten

Porten is sharing her story on social media in the hopes that it will help other mothers in the same situation as her. So far more than 30,000 people have shared her story, so it's obviously resonating with other parents.

"No woman should have to suffer in silence for fear of having her children taken away," Porten told ScaryMommy. "There needs to be systems in place to treat this extremely common condition [PPD] without traumatizing families or ripping them apart."

Can you believe the way this mom was treated by her doctor?

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