We all experience aches and pains from time to time, but it's important to know the difference between soreness and something serious.
Take stock of your body's quirks and notice if anything has changed for you physically in the last few days. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
1. Weakness in your arms and legs
Numbness or weakness in your arm, leg or face could be a sign of a stroke - especially if it is limited to one side of your body.
Get help quickly if you can't see well, have a headache, feel confused and have problems speaking or understanding
2. Chest pain
Sweating, pressure, shortness of breath or nausea along with chest pain could be a sign of heart disease or heart attack. It could also indicate a more serious condition such as a blood clot.
If your chest is tight and heavy, call 9-1-1. It's better safe than sorry.

3. Tenderness and pain in the back of your calf
This could be a sign of a blood clot known as deep vein thromobosis. You might feel it mostly when walking or standing and your leg might be red, tender and swollen. Call your doctor, it's important to catch a blood clot before it can break off and block your blood flow.
4. Blood in your urine
This could signify kidney stones: small crystals made if minerals and salts that form in your kidneys and move into your urinary tract. It could also indicate a bladder or kidney infection if you have an increased need to pee and feel burning when you urinate.
If you see blood, but feel no pain, it may be a sign of kidney or bladder cancer - visit your doctor.
5. Wheezing
Always seek out medical assistance if you experience breathing problems. The causes of your shortness of breath, wheezing or whistling when you breath could be asthma, lung disease a severe allergy or exposure to chemicals.
Other possibilities are pneumonia or bronchitis. Always consult a physician if you have difficulty breathing.
6. Suicidal Thoughts
Talk to a professional as soon as you begin to feel like you are hopeless or trapped without a reason to live. Depression and anxiety are some common conditions that lead to dark thoughts and speaking with a professional can help.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 anytime day or night, seven days a week.