If you have not yet been blessed with the greatest video on the internet, you need make it a part of your life immediately. Introduce yourself to the Pink Windmill Kids because it will be the best thing you probably do today.
Well, the second best because after all those years, the famous Windmill Kids have come back together and recreated the hilarious number that has been viewed so many times all over the internet.

So if you need to catch up a little bit, the clip comes from "Emu's All Live Pink Windmill Show" where all these happy children introduce themselves with a song. Some might say it's the greatest song ever made.
They have joined back together in support of Comic Relief and Red Nose Day. Almost all the group came back to take part, only Spencer ended up missing out because of "other commitments". Not sure what could possibly be more important than this but to each their own I guess.
Here is what they look like now:



Joe and Emma

Abbie, Anthony, Debbie and Lorraine

So now that you know what is happening, you need to see the new version! It will just fill your heart with joy and make the world alright again. Too far? Well, just watch and see.
Pink Windmill KidsThe dancing Pink Windmill Kids are BACK, specially for Red Nose Day! Who remembers them first time round?! 🕺😂😠If you've been inspired by their dancing, hop over to our website for more fundraising ideas https://goo.gl/qNF9PY
Posted by Comic Relief: Red Nose Day on Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Share this with anyone who needs a laugh!