Faced With An Impossible Choice, This Mother Sacrificed Everything For Her Son


Faced With An Impossible Choice, This Mother Sacrificed Everything For Her Son

When Danielle Janofsky found out she was pregnant with her second child, a son, she was overjoyed.

Danielle and her husband, Monroe Township Police officer Max Janofsky, already had a beautiful daughter named Avery and they were excited to bring a boy into the mix.

Danielle was a cancer survivor and was given an excellent prognosis after having a mole removed two years prior.

However, her tiny family was hit with a major blow when she was six months pregnant. Danielle's cancer had returned and had spread to her kidney, liver, stomach, and brain. The expecting mom was diagnosed with metastasized melanoma.

Danielle and her husband, MaxGoFundMe

Danielle had to choose between terminating her pregnancy at six months and getting treatment immediately, or carrying her son for another three weeks and delivering him via C-section, knowing her chances of survival were slim afterwards.

Danielle made the choice to carry baby Jake for three more weeks. He weighed 1lb 11oz at birth and was immediately taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Danielle passed away three days later.

Danielle and her daughter, AveryFacebook

Max, an Army combat wounded veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, is now left with two young children and the knowledge that his wife put everything she had into saving their son.

The now-single dad has expressed his shock to be in this situation, but is hoping that his wife's story is an inspiration to people everywhere to live their lives to the fullest.

The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for Jake's medical costs as well as trusts for Avery and Jake in the future.

Rest in peace, sweet Danielle. May your memory live on forever.

Meagan has an intense love for Netflix, napping, and carbs.