A picture is worth a thousand words, so a GIF must be worth what? 10,000? 100,000? The right GIF at the right time is the perfect way to get your message across. It also has the benefit of being absolutely hilarious. Use these GIFs when the situation arises and you'll be known as the Comeback Queen/King. There is literally a GIF for every situation. In fact I challenge you to come up with a word, feeling or scenario that there's isn't a GIF for, but for now let's stick with the basics.
Something Makes You Happy:

Something Makes You Sad:

Monday Mornings:

When You're Hungry:

When Someone Says Something Annoying:

When You're Excited:

When You See Your Crush:

When Someone Is Hilarious:

When You Want To Brag:

When You're In The Bathroom At Work Getting Paid To Poop:

When You're Fantod (feeling attacked):

Let these GIFs serve you well!