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Do You Work From Home? Artist Hannah Hillam Perfectly Illustrates Life with Cats

Working at home with your cats and drawing isn't all it's marked up to be.

By Justyne Yuen-Lee
Instagram / @hannahhillam

As a young person who works from home occasionally, I can relate to Hannah Hillam's comics. Your office is your bed or your couch and you eat what can reach.

But Hillam's comics frequently feature her two cats who wreak havoc either with each other or with her. But when they're not being weird, Hillam's comics show the love cat owners have with their fur babies.

Cat owners can probably relate to most of these!

Instagram / @hannahhillam

We all wish we were cats "“ they're only active when they want to be, rest most of the time, and get all the attention they need "“ but they only accept some of it.

Instagram / @hannahhillam

But as majestic as cats can be, they can also be very strange. Hillam's draws her silly cat trying to fit into a tiny box for 15 minutes.

Is your cat always happy to see you?

Instagram / @hannahhillam

But in this comic she shows how much she loves her crazy kitties! Their affection is in their wide eyes "“ they don't really hug back much.

Instagram / @hannahhillam

And Hillam, like most cat people, is only a cat person. Except she can only draw kitties "“ that might be because she's with cats all the time. It's okay!

Instagram / @hannahhillam

But good thing that some cats exhibit dog behavior "“ they tear things apart when you're not watching, they like it when you play with them, and they don't like other cats either!

Working from home has never been!

Instagram / @hannahhillam

The reality of working from home screams true in this comic. There's no sense of time or meal periods or other people and who cares about changing into real clothes.

Instagram / @hannahhillam

And here is a picture of her real life kitty showing his rare affection that she was able to catch in a picture!

Follow her relatable comics on her Instagram @hannahhillam!

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