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Anti-Vax Mom's Post After Finding Out Her 19 Y.O. Daughter Got Vaccinated Has People Baffled

People who have absolutely no knowledge of science are always ready to pop off on social media about how it's their right to choose whether their kids get vaccinated and make erroneous, 100% unfounded claims that vaccines cause autism. *sigh*

But here's the thing. Your "right to choose" opens other people's children up to deadly diseases because vaccination is sort of predicated on this thing called "herd immunity," which means all kids have to be vaccinated for vaccines to really do their job. What about another child's right to go to school and not got mumps because your kid isn't vaccinated? That seems pretty important.

And before you go to comment about that infamous "study" that the MMR vaccine causes autism, please do us all a favor and click here to learn about why that is totally bogus junk science.

One off-her-rocker mother who ought to do some actual research into vaccines that's not put forth by, I don't know, Jenny McCarthy, is this one who took to the internet to lament her 19-year-old adult human being daughter's choice to get vaccinated. When Mom found out, she took to Facebook to lament with her other deranged friends. Watching them talk to each other in an echo chamber that's impervious to reason is truly wild.

One off-her-rocker mother who ought to do some actual research into vaccines that's not put forth by, I don't know, Jenny McCarthy, is this one, who took to the internet to lament her 19-year-old adult human being daughter's choice to get vaccinated. When Mom found out, she took to Facebook to lament with her other deranged friends. Watching them talk to each other in an echo chamber that's impervious to reason is truly wild.

It just further devolves into madness from there.

And this is why the internet is bad for you. Please, if there are anti-vaxxers in your life, try to present them with actual science. It'll be hard, but maybe it'll save a kid or two along the way.

The post Anti-Vax Mom's Post After Finding Out Her 19 Y.O. Daughter Got Vaccinated Has People Baffled appeared first on Goodfullness.

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