Jessa (Duggar) Seewald has continued her streak of giving her children odd names.
Jessa and her husband, Ben, named their first child Spurgeon after a British preacher who founded a theological college in the 1800s. His middle name is Elliot, after missionaries Jim and Elizabeth Elliot who worked in South America.
But now, they've chosen an ever more interesting name for their second son, who was born February 6th.

Meet Henry Wilberforce Seewald.
While the name Henry was chosen mainly because the couple liked it, Wilberforce has a historical meaning.
William Wilberforce was a politician and philanthropist who was instrumental in putting an end to the slave trade.
"We just thought [Henry] was cute, but also there was another great man of God name Matthew Henry who lived before Wilberforce and he wrote a lot of great commentaries," Ben Seewald said.

"I think it's really awesome that we have two little boys so close together in age. I know they're going to be best friends and love growing up and doing everything together, so I'm looking forward to seeing that," said Jessa.
Henry Wilberforce and Spurgeon Elliot are just 14 months apart, so I think it's safe to say they will be best friends (and also worst enemies) as they grow up!
What do you think of this name? Let us know!