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Kyra Sedgwick And Kevin Bacon Share The Spicy Secret To Their 30-Year Marriage

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In Hollywood, a 10-year marriage is practically a lifetime.

For whatever reason - the pressures of fame, busy schedules - celebrity marriages all seem to fizzle out in just a year or two.

But through the highs and lows of their careers, Footloose star Kevin Bacon and The Closer star Kyra Sedgwick have stayed together.

Their love story could practically be its own Hollywood film - but according to them, the secret to their longevity as a couple is rated R.

"I vividly remember looking at his butt when he walked away after we first met."

While they fell in love on set, Sedgwick and Bacon had a chance meeting when she was just a little girl, according to the actor.

As Bacon told talk show host Craig Ferguson, he was eating out after performing on stage when "a little girl was in there who had just seen the matinee, and her brother said, 'You liked that actor, go tell him you liked him.'"

That little girl turned out to be Sedgwick, but it would be years before they reunited - both as adults - on the set of Lemon Sky.

This time, Sedgwick says she was not impressed with her future husband.

"My first thought was, 'He's really cocky and he thinks he's so cool," she told Piers Morgan.

She admitted to Redbook, "I vividly remember looking at his butt when he walked away after we first met and thinking, "˜Well, I guess some girls like that.'"

Bacon, on the other hand, was smitten right away. "I found her, you know, really very beautiful and sexy and aloof," he told Morgan.

He set out to woo Sedgwick, but his expensive plan to win her heart didn't have much luck.

"He was very friendly and sweet and every night after work he would say, "˜Who wants to go out to dinner?'" the actress told Conan O'Brien. "And the whole cast would say yes except for me."

"Later on he told me that the only person he wanted to say yes was me and I never said yes and he was always stuck with the check, poor guy."

"I knew in my heart and soul that he was the right person."

Another one of Bacon's schemes actually worked on Sedgwick.

He invited the actress to get a massage at his hotel, and when she stepped out of the spa Bacon was just outside, working out in the gym.

"I completely bought it. I thought it was just a coincidence," Sedgwick said.

"Years later he told me he had actually called downstairs and asked when I was getting massaged, which is kind of creepy, but whatever."

The more time they spent together, the deeper the pair fell in love with each other. Less than a year after they started dating, Bacon slipped an engagement ring into Sedgwick's Christmas stocking.

"Shockingly," Bacon remembered, "she said yes."

"I had no great role models in terms of healthy marriages," said Sedgwick, whose parents divorced when she was just three.

"But I knew in my heart and soul that he was the right person. It was an unquestionable truth of mine. I've never had anything like that before or after."

Like their whirlwind romance, the couple settled down very quickly after marriage. Their first child, a boy named Travis, was conceived on their honeymoon, and their daughter Sosie followed soon after (today they are 29 and 26 respectively).

"We were like, Let's just not use birth control," Sedgwick told Redbook. "I didn't think it was going to happen so fast. I got pregnant in two weeks."

"Sex is really important. That desire is there."

Like many celebrity couples, Bacon and Sedgwick admit balancing their busy schedules can be tough. But Sedgwick says that's nothing out of the ordinary.

"You know, I didn't marry an accountant," she joked. "Man, marriage is hard for everyone."

And, of course, Sedgwick says their marriage hasn't always been a glamorous Hollywood romance.

"We have had our bumpy patches," she admitted. "We once had a fight that lasted six months. We got through it just by knowing that no one was going anywhere."

She says they've stayed together for three decades by following just two rules:

"Keep the fights clean, and don't have sex with somebody else." she said. "Monogamy is a given, like 'Put the toilet seat down.'"

If there's one thing this couple can agree on, it's the importance of spending some quality time in the bedroom.

"I'm going to embarrass my kids - sex is important," Sedgwick told Redbook. "Sex is really important. That desire is there."

"When he walks into a room, I'm still... I mean, my heart gets a little fluttery and I think, Oh! He's so cute. He's so hot. That's literally the first thing I think."

"I feel the primary relationship has to be the mother and the father, and then it can be the kids."

But it's not just about the physical relationship. Sedgwick says they both provide each other with emotional support when they're feeling down.

"When somebody is feeling really bad about something, I think it's important that [the other person] not take it on too much," she said.

"Or with the same weight. If Kev's upset, I'll be the cheerleader. Then we switch off."

Sedwick also insists on having both time to bond as a family and as a couple.

"I feel the primary relationship has to be the mother and the father, and then it can be the kids," she explained.

"It's the foundation on which everything is built. Kids should know that your needs are important, because if they think your happiness lies only in them, that's a lot of pressure on them."

Through family dinners (with no cell phones) and date nights as a couple, this family keep all of their relationships in good condition.

But keep in mind, what works for them may not be for you.

"Whatever you do, don't listen to celebrities on advice on how to stay married," Sedgwick joked. "That's my secret."

[H/T: E!, Redbook, Good Housekeeping]

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