Cats are wanderers, we all know that. If your cat goes for a stroll, more often than not they make it home in the next couple days (if not sooner.)
But for Ashley Aleman, her cat BooBoo went missing in 2013 and never came back.
The Watsonville, California native says BooBoo was always adventurous, but this time he went on a permanent journey.
"We have a lot of stray cats around the area, so we were like "˜maybe she wandered off with them,' " Aleman said. "And then we finally figured out she was not coming back, so we gave up looking after a while because there was nothing really we could do for her."
But little did Ashley know, BooBoo was just a $600 flight Toronto, Canada.

Melissa Stolz, who runs the Guelph Humance Society (an hour outside of Toronto) says BooBoo was brought in as a stray cat earlier in March 2017. They did a routine check for a microchip and luckily they found one in BooBoo. The microchip pointed them to California.
The staff at the shelter figured it was a mistake. Sometimes people forget to update their information when they move, but when they contacted the Aleman family they were shocked to find out BooBoo was, in fact, a California girl.
"After we discovered the owners are still in California, then we started to wonder what could have happened," Stolz said. "It could have been that maybe she hitched a ride unintentionally, or maybe she got into a transport truck "” that has happened before "” and she snuck her way across the border."
One thing is for sure, though. BooBoo certainly wasn't living on her own for those four years.
"She came in in wonderful condition, she's been very well taken care of and had no problems at all," Stolz said. "So, clearly there was someone out there who was taking care of her."

Ashley's mom will be flying to Buffalo, N.Y. where a Canadian animal protection officer will drive BooBoo to the border so she can be reacquainted with her family. Since her absence, a new cat has been brought into the Aleman home, but hopefully the two will get along.
Ashley says one thing is for sure, though.
"She'll definitely be an indoor cat this time."