
After Calling for a Repair, This Company Leaves Her a Note About Her Newborn Son on the Invoice

<div><p>After giving birth to their second baby a day earlier, Jesse and Maria Hulscher went into panic mode after the furnace broke in their family home in Willmar, Minnesota. With a pending snowstorm on the way and a 2-year-old at home, the couple didn't know how they were going to get it fixed on such short notice. </p><p>Desperately needing working heat for their now family of four, Jesse called Magnuson Sheet Metal in hopes they can make a last minute repair on a budget. </p><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>Fox9</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>"Instantly I panicked," <a href="">Jesse said</a>. "I have a two-year-old here, a newborn coming home in a couple days and this was before the big potential snow storm."</p><p>Understanding the family's urgency the company manager, Craig, quickly sent out a repairman. Luckily the furnace was fixed and they had working heat within the hour. </p><p>Expecting an invoice, Jesse checked the mailbox and found the envelope with the receipt for the repairs. </p><p>Instead of finding an amount owing he found a note that read, "No Charge. Take care of the new baby" </p><p>Overcome with joy, Jesse posted his experience on Facebook. </p><div><amp-facebook data-href=";set=a.261584500536067.77640.100000535576965&amp;type=3&amp;theater" layout="responsive" height="600" width="640"></amp-facebook></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>In the comments he discovered that this isn't the first time the business has shown a random act of kindness. </p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=";include_parent=false"></amp-iframe><p>With the hopes of someone paying it forward, this company is setting the right example. </p><p>"We didn't do it for the PR, we just did it to be good people. That's it. Just to be nice to these people," <a href="">Craig said</a>. "That's what this is about."</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p><a href="">Watch the full video here.</a></p><p></p></div>

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