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Oscar Mayer Is Hiring Drivers For The Wienermobile

Wienermobile - Twitter

If you're on the hunt for a new job, or know someone who is, we have an opportunity no red-blooded American could pass up.

For a limited time, beloved hot dog makers Oscar Mayer are accepting applications for Wienermobile drivers, aka Hotdoggers.

The Wienermobile needs a new crew of qualified Hotdoggers.Wienermobile - Twitter

Until January 31st, you can submit an application for the coveted position. Along with driving the Wienermobile, Hotdoggers are expected to be "goodwill ambassadors" for the hot dog company, so strong people skills are a must.

In fact, the company expects you to have a BA or BS in a public-facing field, like public relations, communications, journalism, advertising, or marketing. That's because your real job is to be a "traveling public relations firm" doing TV, radio, and print interviews about hot dogs from coast to coast.

But Oscar Mayer says they make up for the serious requirements with a competitive salary and expenses. Plus, Hotdoggers get to see the country in style while promoting the brand's products.

It would probably help to know and love just about everything about the company's popular hot dogs, too.

Any applicants who land the dream job will start touring with the garish vehicle in June.

Check out this online form for all the information you need to apply.

The original Wienermobile doesn't measure up to today's jumbo-sized models.Daderot - Wikimedia

You might be surprised to learn the Wienermobile has a long and storied history stretching back to the 1930s, when the Oscar Mayer's nephew, Carl, debuted the outlandish company

For a time, the Wienermobile's most famous Hotdogger was "Little Oscar," real name George Molchan, an incredibly short man who became a mascot and spokesperson for the brand.

"Little Oscar" (center) promoted Oscar Mayer hot dogs until the 1980s.IvyMike - Wikimedia

At any given time, there are actually six separate Wienermobiles touring the country. So if this is your dream job, there are more opportunities than you think.

But apply fast: the company says an average of 2,000 people send in their CVs hoping to become a Hotdogger each year.

Know anyone who could cut the mustard as a Hotdogger?

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