Since the moment Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married, the big question has been "how many kids are they going to have?" Harry has always been great with kids, specifically his nieces and nephews, and it was only a matter of time that he started having his own. Markle had also expressed interest in having kids, so we knew that once the two were married then things would move quickly.

At first, Harry and Meghan seemed to want as many kids as they could. They had joked about needing all the items in a baby store at one point. When it was announced that the couple was expecting their first child, the general consensus as that it would be the first of many.

Little Archie was born at the beginning of May, and both Meghan and Harry have doted on their son in the media.
“Perhaps it’s the newfound clarity I have as a father, knowing that my son will always be watching what I do, mimicking my behavior, one day maybe even following in my footsteps,” Harry said at an event not long after Harry's birth. “But it’s not just my role as a father that shows me that; it’s in the people I see every day that don’t realize how inspirational they are to those watching.”

“It’s magic," Markle. "It’s pretty amazing. I have the best two guys in the world, so I’m really happy. [The baby] has the sweetest temperament. He’s really calm. He’s just been a dream. It’s been a special couple of days."
The new parents were talking as though there were plans for a big family in the future, but Prince Harry made it clear in an interview that he and his wife have a set cap on the number of kids they'd have.

Harry had a conversation with activist Jane Goodall for the edition of Vogue that Meghan Markle guest-edited. In the interview, Harry and Goodall discussed the dwindling resources on the planet and how we need to pay attention.
"What we need to remind everybody is: these are things that are happening now," Harry said. "We are already living in it. We are the frog in the water and it's already been brought to the boil. Which is terrifying."

Harry credited baby Archie's arrival with his change in attitude toward the planet.
"I view it differently now, without question," he said. But I've always wanted to try and ensure that, even before having a child and hoping to have children."

Goodall cautioned on the children comment, saying "Not too many."
"Two, maximum," Harry quickly agreed. "But I've always thought: this place is borrowed. And, surely, being as intelligent as we all are, or as evolved as we all are supposed to be, we should be able to leave something better behind for the next generation."

It's an interesting comment, considering Prince William and Kate have three kids, so for Harry to speak so adamantly that having more than two kids could somehow harm the planet for the next generation is interesting. Of course, that's ready way too much into a comment and probably wasn't meant as a slam against his brother and sister-in-law.

Personally, I hope Harry and Meghan have tons of kids...because I bet they'll all be super cute! But if they're only going to have two, I hope the next one is a girl.