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Rubber Bands Can Make Your Kitchen More Efficient in More Ways Than One!

<div><p></p><p>There is always an easy solution to life's easy problems, In the kitchen it's no different. These are 4 easy problems I've had and 4 quick fixes that saved me time and money!</p><p>I've seen a bunch of single use gimmicky products lately and I knew there would be a better solution. My junk drawer always has a couple rubber bands lying around and I decided to put them to use one day to solve a few common problems. Necessity of the mother of invention! &nbsp;</p><p></p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><div><hr style="border-bottom: solid 3px #89c35c ;"><h2 style="text-align:center">Materials:</h2><hr style="border-bottom: solid 3px #89c35c ;"></div><ul><li>Rubber bands</li></ul><p></p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><div><hr style="border-bottom: solid 3px #89c35c ;"><h2 style="text-align:center">Directions:</h2><hr style="border-bottom: solid 3px #89c35c ;"></div><h3>Hard to open Jars</h3><ol><li>Use 1 rubber bands - one on the lid, the other around the jar - to improve your grip.</li></ol><h3>Keep your cutting board from slipping</h3><ol><li>Wrap rubber bands around either side of your cutting board.</li><li>Use your newly secure cutting board as normal.</li></ol><h3>Prevent a mixing spoon from falling in your bowl</h3><ol><li>Wrap a rubber band around the end of your mixing spoon.</li><li>Mix as usual and rest it against the lip of your bowl.</li></ol><h3>Keep a sliced apple from browning</h3><ol><li>Slice your apple into quarters.</li><li>Reassemble apple and wrap in a rubber band to keep fresh until snack time!</li></ol><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="BKBhkx8EHrg"></amp-youtube></div></div></div></div>

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