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Woman Posts Pictures Of Her "Saggy Boobs" To Inspire Other Women To Embrace Their Bodies

I think everyone can name at least one thing about their body that they are self-conscious about. Whether it's larger thighs, acne on your face or extra skin on the under-side of your arms, it can be hard to embrace those flaws that we see every day when we look in the mirror.

One woman is not only embracing her body with all its perceived flaws, but she's showing people everywhere that they can do the same.

Chidera Eggerue, a style blogger, is using her social media account to promote body positivity, specifically when it comes to breasts.

"I created the hashtag #SaggyBoobsMatter because women are shamed when their bodies don't appease the male gaze," Eggerue wrote on Instagram. "Saggy boobs are underrepresented. Being underrepresented makes you feel alien to society."

Using the hashtag, #SAGGYBOOBSMATTER and wearing fashion forward outfits without a bra, she is demonstrating to everyone to embrace their bodies for what they are, and it's causing quite a stir.

After noticing few ads that feature breasts with a normal amount of sag that comes with age, or after pregnancy and breastfeeding, the 23-year-old decided to raise awareness for realistic bodies in women.

"A lack of representation of saggy-looking boobs when I used to go bra shopping in M&S [as a young teenager] made me realize that something is wrong with the way the world views women's bodies," she said.

That drive to have the perfect body made Eggerue consider cosmetic surgery. Now she has found a way to accept her body and hopes that she can help others relate to her social media posts.

"Me and my amazing saggy boobs just had the most epic evening in Leeds taking over the @moboawardsInstagram story!" she posted on Instagram.

Inspiring women through her social media posts, she spreads empowerment all over the world.

"how to style saggy boobs: a tutorial

step 1 - wear the damn outfit.

step 2 - remember not to care. we are all dying.

#SAGGYBOOBSMATTER," she captioned her post.

And her words of empowerment are helping real women.

"It's been the most exciting to receive messages from breastfeeding mothersexpressing and celebrating how happy they feel to have found this hashtag because they've felt so much shame in their bodies even though they're taking part in the beautifully natural process of feeding their newborn babies," she told INSIDER in an interview.

Unfortunately, it hasn't been just encouragement that she has received. Some body shamers believe that Eggerue's photos and body is unattractive, but that doesn't stop her.

"My biggest goal is to simply normalize nature. Not all natural boobs are saggy. Not all older women have saggy boobs. Boobs are just boobs," she said.

Source: People / Daily Mail / NYPost

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