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This Sharp-Eyed Stewardess Saved A Passenger's Life With A Secret Note

<div><p>One passenger was a well dressed, older man. The other was a young girl who looked "like she had been through pure hell."</p><p>That was enough to set off alarm bells in Shelia Frederick's head. She was an airline stewardess with a decade's worth of experience working for Alaska airlines. When she got a strange feeling from the passengers, she tried to start a conversation with them, but the man wouldn't say much.</p><p>Still convinced something was wrong, Frederick came up with a plan that ended up saving the young girl's life. </p><amp-img src="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2243232694-3.jpg" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Frederick managed to whisper to the girl to go to the bathroom, where she left a note on the mirror with her phone number, asking the girl if she was okay.</p><p>When Frederick checked the bathroom later, she found the girl had written her own message on the note. "I need help."</p><p>After that Frederick alerted the pilots. When the plane landed in San Francisco, police were waiting to arrest the male passenger. It turned out Frederick had foiled a human trafficker, who was planning to exploit the young girl he was traveling with. </p><p>Years later, Frederick and the woman she saved still keep in touch. Apparently, she memorized the number on the note, because a few weeks after the incident she gave Frederick a call. She's in college now, an opportunity she might not have had if one clever flight attendant hadn't followed her instincts. </p><h3>Share this story if you're thankful for her quick thinking!</h3></div>

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