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8 Ways We're All Showering Wrong


Showering seems like a pretty simple process, but it turns out most of us are doing it quite wrong. I don't know why we were never told this before, but better late than never! Here's eight ways you're showering wrong:

1. You don't condition your scalp.

Most people usually only run conditioner through the ends of their hair but you should actually be putting it all over your head. Conditioner hydrates the skin of your scalp, which helps prevent itchiness and flaking. This is important to do because shampoo drys out your scalp.

2. You're waiting to moisturize when you're dry.

Moisturizing right when you step out of the shower helps lock in the moisture. If you wait, you risk getting dry skin.

3. You shower for too long.

Long showers can drain your skin of the oils it produces. Same goes for baths. Unfortunately it's better to keep them short. It's also better for your utility bill!

4. You are buying too good of a razor.

We usually opt for the razor with the most amount of blades, thinking it will do the best job. A four or five blade razor might give a close shave, but it can also damage your skin. We should actually be buying razors with two blades. But this is great, when has it ever been cheaper to take care of your skin.

5. You don't rinse well enough.

Lingering product can lead to skin irritation and clogged pores, which can cause acne. You can prevent back acne by rinsing your hair with your head tilted to the side, allowing the shampoo and conditioner to run right into the drain and not down your back.

6. You're showers are too hot.

This is heartbreaking but you're not supposed to take hot showers. Hot showers actually dry our skin out. Dermatologists suggest lukewarm showers instead, a great tip that I will never follow...

7. You're showering everyday.

Okay, if you're shocked right now it's okay, because I am too. A board certified dermatologist from Beautiful Skin: Every Woman's Guide to Looking Her Best at Any Age, says that showering everyday can dry out your skin. He suggests three days a week. You're not suppose to wash your hair everyday either, see here for how often you should.

8.  You think loofahs are better than a bar of soap.

We all think the idea of rubbing a bar of soap on ourselves that the whole family has been using is absolutely disgusting. But apparently we should be more worried about loofahs and wash clothes. A bar of soap doesn't tend to transfer bacteria to your skin. Since loofahs are so porous, dead skin cells can get stuck in there and go on to your body every time you shower, pretty gross. Washcloths can have the same effect, if you're going to use either, you should clean or replace them between showers.

So I guess it turns out that showering, the most basic process in the world, is more complicated than we thought. I am shocked and honestly a little heartbroken after reading this.

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