
Woman Goes To The Bathroom At Her Friend's House Then Feels Something Bite Her Bottom


Sometimes, especially as you age, you'll wake up with the irrepressible urge to pee. Still half-asleep and bleary-eyed, you stumble down the hall, walk into the still-dark bathroom and sit.

If any of this sounds familiar, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do to you.

A woman visiting her relatives in Brisbane, Australia had a very unwelcome bathroom experience.


Much like we've all done, she had to relieve herself. She walked into the unfamiliar bathroom and, leaving the lights off, sat down. She says she was "mid-stream" when she felt a painful "tap" on her rear.

The "tap" turned out to actually be a snake bite.

She says she jumped up and initially thought it was a frog. She couldn't have been more wrong.

She realized she had actually been bitten by a snake and called authorities. The "Snake Catchers of Brisbane" posted about the event on their Facebook page.

They say the woman was remarkably composed during the whole ordeal, even after finding out that her "frog" was actually a five-foot carpet python.

"The snake was safely removed and relocated, and the customer handled the situation like an absolute champ," they said in their Facebook post.

They also said the woman promised to always turn on the lights and look down before taking a pee.

The Snake Catchers said that a toilet snake is probably just as afraid as you would be if you discovered it. Makes sense, I'd be terrified if a butt suddenly appeared above my bed, however I'm comfortable laying blame on the snake for this instance.

Australia is currently in the middle of a horrid heat wave, with temperatures well over 100 degrees. It's possible the snake was searching for somewhere more comfortable to resssssst.

Terrifyingly, the Snake Catchers say it's not rare to discover a snake in your toilet.

"It's quite a regular occurrence," they wrote.

They also offered advice for Aussies that find a python in their toilet:

"Don't poke and prod it, don't continue to flush the toilet. Put the lid down, secure it, and call a snake catcher."

So, who's booking a flight to Australia?

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