
Woman Says Stay-At-Home Moms Are "Not Okay," Post Goes Viral

A lot of us were stay-at-home moms when our kids were young, often because that's just how things were. We were expected to stay home and take care of the kids. Now, and this is a good thing, women are keeping their careers even after having kids, and are working hard to balance the mom life and work life. However, there are still people who choose to be stay-at-home moms, and sometimes they're looked down on because it's seen as "easy." This isn't true at all.

One mom, Bridgette Anne, decided to post about the reality of being a stay-at-home mom on Facebook, and her words have gone completely viral. More than 70,000 people have shared Bridgette's post, and it's even been featured on Today.

☝️ everyone thinks being a stay at home mom full time is easy.

— that we are lucky to be able to not have to work.— that we are lazy.— that it’s not “real” work so we have nothing to complain about.

👉 but the truth’s f*****g lonely and overwhelming

You can’t do anything by yourself; go to the bathroom, enjoy a cup of coffee, read, hell you can’t even scrub the s**t out of pants for the 3rd time in a day without someone crying or screaming at your leg.

You don’t get breaks unless they are sleeping; which even then you use that time to clean up

You struggle to come up with ways to entertain someone for literally 12 hours a day every day.

You wear the same clothes that smell like sweat and tears for days at a time because it’s already stained and no use in ruining more clothes.

You forget what it means or feels like to be an individual; because your entire existence now revolves around that child.

You look at working moms and get jealous because you wish you could have an excuse to have an adult conversation without being interrupted.

You lock yourself in the bathroom and scream into a towel while crying because you need a second to breathe; all while a child is banging on the door to get in...

☝️ let that sink in, most of us don’t even have the luxury to cry and be frustrated in peace..and when we do break down people question it; “like what do you have to cry about you get to sit home all day.”

I was one of those people who judged SAHM’s. But I get it now. The people who said they’d be there to help have all but disappeared, and you’re left with this overwhelming sense of failure.

My house isn’t clean, I’m not clean, the dishes aren’t done, I have screamed already today, I have cried, and I have felt so damn guilty that my child was here to witness it.

But I am alone....and I am lonely

👉👉 check in on your SAHM friends....we are NOT okay

After Bridgette's post went viral, she received tons of support from people all over the world. She wrote out a message thanking everyone for their support.

I want to take a second to thank you all; I have received literally hundreds and hundreds of messages from people saying my post truly spoke to them, and touched them in a way I never thought I could make an impact on someone.

— I want you to know those messages and comments gave me HOPE and strength 🙏

People around the world have seen my message and understood it’s meaning, and I am truly grateful to know I am NOT ALONE ❤️❤️❤️

You have shown me kindness and compassion that have helped me in ways you will never understand; and to the people who have had anything negative to say....Thank you. You also shared my message. You are part of the reason so many people who NEEDED this message saw it, and for every single message of hate, there where ten beacons of light and kindness to shut you down. Spread love. Spread kindness. From the bottom of my heart, I am thankful for every single one of you 🙏

Being a stay-at-home-mom is not easy, and it's time people realize that.

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