Normally when companies are trying to sell clothing they go all out on the Photoshop. They want every wrinkle, blemish and imperfection removed, which is obviously not achievable in the real world.
These standards of beauty have long been criticized but it isn't often that big box stores will stand up against them. That was until Target, arguably one of the biggest stores in the United States, decided to forego the Photoshop and let women look like real women - stretch marks and all.

Four women were part of the campaign, Denise Bidot, Kamie Crawford, Megan Batoon, and Lizzie Armanto. The women are all different shapes and sizes but all believe in the power of body positivity.
Target has been trying to get better at being inclusive, starting back in 2015 when they started using models of sizes, ages and even having children with disabilities in their ads. They have even started phasing out gender-specific labeling in the toy sections.

They have also started to expand their plus-size collections after customers were upset over mislabeled clothing and expressed their frustrations with Target only having plus size options online.

Target may not be the first company to skip Photoshop, but let's hope they aren't the last. It actually proves to be a smart business strategy, according to Aerie, another clothing store that gave up photo-retouching, they say they experienced a 20% increase in sales after their first campaign.
Customers are happy to see that Target is making an effort with its clients, finally feeling like they can look at the ads and actually see someone who looks like them.

What do you think about their marketing campaign?