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This Determined Cat Will Not Rest Until He Understands Gravity

<div><p>Benji is a very important scientific mind. He does his best to understand the world and all of it's components. Gravity being the current subject of his interest. </p><p>Benji is an adorable Bengal cat, who has gorgeous spots all over his body and big beautiful eyes. He also has a laser focus on his desired target, today it is learning the importance of gravity. </p><p>When his owner is trying to but a cap on the sink, he knocks it down. When she puts it back, it gets knocked down again. </p><p>This keeps going because Benji knows that a proper experiment needs to be repeated. </p><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="iz_SiLa12tk"></amp-youtube></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Does your cat do this? Share in the comments! </p></div>

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