Most babies are nearly bald when they're born, but not Bella Cole. At just 8 months, she has more hair than some 4-year-olds. Her mom Phillipa Rabbitts says Bella has so much hair, that she regularly gets stopped in the streets by curious strangers.
"I always get asked if she's wearing a wig, and if her bunches are stuck on," Phillipa says. "No matter where we go we get stopped at least five times because of her hair - everyone's first reaction is just like...'is that real?'"

Phillipa, who lives in Chelmsford, Essex, said Bella was born via caesarean and the first thing the doctor said was "She's got a lot of hair!" Phillipa goes on to explain: "She was only 4lbs 11 when she was born and three weeks early, and with this thick, dark hair she looked just like a little doll."

Continue to the next page to see how Bella looks today!
Although Bella's hair grew very fast, she's still having trouble putting on weight. Doctor's aren't sure why, so she's getting tests done in the meantime. For now, little Bella wears a feeding tube to help her keep her weight up.
Both mom and dad have been blessed with good hair genes, and Phillipa figures that's why Bella has so much hair. "Matt has really think ginger hair that goes curly when it's wet, and I'm very dark - so I think she gets her hair from both of us," Phillipa said in an interview.

Most moms don't get to do their newborn's hair, but Phillipa is loving every minute of it. She enjoys washing, brushing, and styling her little daughter's mop. "At night we'll see her brushing [her hair] out of her face, and when it's down she flicks it out of her eyes like a little diva" she said.

Bella's mom said her daughter reminds a lot of people of Rapunzel or Boo from Monsters Inc. when her hair is done in pigtails. We can't wait to see what Bella's hair looks like when she's older!

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