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To Save A Haunted Church They Filled It With Actual Ghosts

Haunted buildings have a certain feel about them. They are creepy, cold, and they always give you that feeling that someone is watching you even if you can't see them. But how would you feel if you could actually see the spooky ghosts?

There is a church located in Czech Republic called St. George's Church and it has been thought to be haunted for decades. It was built all the way back in 1352 and had to be rebuilt several times because of fires.

Even though there had been multiple fires in the building, the congregation didn't flee. The final straw came in 1968, when the entire roof collapsed into the church. The congregation finally gave up on the haunted building.

Instead of ever going back inside, the entire congregation would meet outside. Seeing as how no one would enter the building, the church fell into disrepair. Vandalism and looting became incredibly prevalent and no one could afford to restore it to its formal glory.

It wasn't until years later that an artist would use the ghosts that haunted the church as inspiration to help save it...

The artist decided he was going to do something to turn this former ruined building into a spectacle worth seeing. Jakub Hadrava was a sculpture student at the University of West Bohemia when he came up with the idea that would completely change the haunted building.

He sculpted 30 ghosts by using his fellow students and wrapping them in plastic to create the models he needed. The ghosts now live in the church, seated among the benches as though they were real.

Hadrava wanted to create the display as a way to honor the history of the building and the country. The 'Ghost Church" managed to bring a lot of attention, exactly as planned. The artist was able to draw in visitors who were leaving donations to the church. All these donations helped the community finally repair the roof and restore the building to the way it used to look.

The one change was that the ghosts remained in the church. The people of Luková sat with the ghosts, embracing the once haunted church. You can even visit it yourself if you want to!

Would you ever go visit this haunted church?

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