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Try Not To Cry When You Hear Young Mr. Rogers Defend PBS

<div><p>Many children in America grew up watching Mr. Rogers on the television between the '60s and '90s. We looked up to him and turned to him for answers to all the questions we had about growing up.</p><p>So when it came to whether programs like his should be given funding on PBS, he took to the stand to argue passionately for the cause. He tells the judge that his show touches on the importance of the "inner dramas" of childhood. His program is teaching children to deal with their emotions and feelings in constructive ways.</p><p>What he says next gave the tough judge goosebumps - and it's likely you'll feel them too!</p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="fKy7ljRr0AA"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p>The Trump administration's <a href="">recent budget </a>plans to eliminate four independent cultural agencies, including the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.</p><p>It would seem that we are right back at square one - only this time, we haven't got Mr. Rogers to defend independent television.</p><p>There never was and never will be anyone quite as special as Mr. Rogers. We miss him still!</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p></div>

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