John and Evie have known each other for most of their lives, in fact they met in the sixth grade. Back then, John wasn't the charming romancer he is today. Instead of blowing kisses at his beautiful wife, he was throwing spitballs!
"He was a naughty boy," Evie said, "But I didn' tknow that was a way of showing attention."
A few years later, they went on their first date at the age of 15. The seeds of love took root and the couple have been married now for 75 years!

To celebrate their lasting romance, their granddaughter, Danni, filmed an adorable video of the pair revealing their secrets to a happy marriage:
You might have heard the secret to a lasting marriage is to never go to bed angry, but that's not the first thing that comes to John and Evie's minds!
After 75 years of marriage, it's clear to see that showing just how much you love the other person is equally as important. We all know the best way to do that is with a little tenderness.
Even as they sit next to each other on the couch, it's obvious that the two still can't keep their hands off of each other.
Always Be Affectionate.
"He's always after my body!" said Evie, "He says, 'I'm 89 years old and you still turn me on!"

Always Kiss Goodnight

It might seem obvious to some, but for many couples, the communication breaks down when things get tough.
It's important to be able to deal with the things that trouble you together. Even if it is unpleasant at the moment, solving what's bothering you together will only make your relationship stronger.
Never Go To Bed Mad
"If it's really a focal point we'll sit alongside each other and talk it out," said John. "But then it's always a kiss goodnight."

Be Good Friends
"The important thing in a marriage is to be nice to each other," said Evie.

Appreciate What You've Got Now
"The best time was yesterday because I made it until today, and with my honey-baby by my side," said John.

We all know that laughter is the best medicine and the same principle applies to a healthy marriage.
Sharing a giggle together bonds you over inside jokes and keeps the tone of your relationship fun and light. Knowing how to get the other person to grin is a surefire way to keep the love alive.
Make Each Other Laugh
"I said, "˜You know what, John, I never was attracted to another man,'" Evie said. "And he said, "˜You know what, I never was attracted to another man either.'"

See their sweet video below and get ready to laugh out loud when you see the surprise ending!
This couple has been married for over 70 years and their advice is so beautiful <3 True love never fades.
Posted by Reasons to Smile on Monday, April 24, 2017
Do you agree with their words of advice? Do you follow these rules in your relationship too?
[h/t : 22Words]