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Rare Pink Dolphin Spotted, And It'll Take Your Breath Away

A rare pink dolphin is making a splash online, where people are excited to see this beautiful creature moving through the waters of a Louisiana Shipping Canal.

When Bridget Anne Boudreaux saw the rare animal peak out of the water, she grabbed her camera to capture this incredible sight.  

In fact, she told NBC news that she saw two albino dolphins by her boat on Saturday, along with some others.

"We watched them play around for awhile and then they went to the ship to play in front of it. And I told my husband to keep up with the ship so I can get a better video," Boudreaux said.

Albino dolphins are extremely rare, with only 5 potential sightings of the white bottlenose dolphins spotted in the entire Southeast United States as of 2016. There were just 3 sightings of white or pink bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico, according to NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office.

The video she captured of the rare animal was absolutely amazing...

According to Dagmar Fertl, a marine mammal biologist, pink dolphins lack the pigment "melanin" which is what gives color to your hair, skin and eyes.

So seeing these dolphins is truly a remarkable experience. Watch the video below and see for yourself:

This may not be the first time this particular dolphin as been spotted.

In 2007, a pink dolphin calf was seen in Calcasieu Lake, Louisana by Captain Erik Rue, a southwest Louisiana fishing and hunting guide. This type of dolphin is still considered albino despite its pink coloration.

"All sightings of this dolphin have been off Louisiana and most of the time it was seen swimming with a group," according to NOAA.

Source: NBC / KHOU

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