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Watch This Adorable Baby's Reaction When He Wakes Up In The Morning

<div><p>We have found the most adorable "morning face" on the internet! I bet it takes you at least two coffees to get this excited about waking up. </p><p><a href="">5-month-old Kaden</a> has the cutest morning routine. His dad Kent Siri, a marketing consultant in Boston, swaddles the baby in a blanket at night. </p><p>When Kent wakes the baby in the morning, he unswaddles the blanket, and as soon as his arms are free, Kaden shoots them into the air like a champion. &nbsp;</p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BSkPl4JA8sr"></amp-instagram></div><p>Kent captured a few videos on his iPhone, but then he had the great idea of compiling the videos and setting them to music. When he uploaded the video to Facebook, people couldn't get enough of the cuteness and began sharing like mad. </p><p>The original video has well over 5 million views so far! It's a must-see if you want some help getting through a tough morning. Don't forget to turn on the sound!</p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=""></amp-iframe><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p><strong>SHARE this adorable video!</strong></p></div>

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