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Why Bitcoin is So Great

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

There is no getting away from the fact that since it was initially introduced, Bitcoin has been successful in becoming one of the next big things in the world of technology. As such, there are a lot of people out there who are considering purchasing some Bitcoin themselves. An attempt to create secure and decentralized digital currency has been ongoing for the last 25 years, and none of them have been as successful as Bitcoin. If you are considering purchasing some, you will likely want to consult the list below that explains why doing so can be such a good move.

It is Becoming More Mainstream

A lot of people in the past have been hesitant to purchase Bitcoin due to the fact they have been limited in the number of places that they are able to use it. If this sounds like you, you will be happy to know that Bitcoin is becoming more mainstream. This can be seen in the fact that PayPal has recently confirmed it is going to allow users to purchase and sell Bitcoin on their platform. You are also seeing a lot of online sites that are starting to allow users to purchase services with Bitcoin. For instance, there are some gambling sites now, like mBitcasino, that are accepting Bitcoin payments from players to go on some of their online casinos. This is a clear indication of what is to come as more and more sites will begin to allow for purchases to be made with Bitcoin.

You Do Not Need Permission to Use Bitcoin

Generally speaking, when you use a traditional currency, you need permission to do so. This means permission from the likes of banks, governments, financial institutions, etc. When you are using Bitcoin, even in a global sense, you do not need any permission to do so. It is available to everyone and is free and open across the world. You do not have any kind of borders or limits when it comes to making payments from Bitcoin apart from in the countries where it is banned.

Bitcoin is Easy to Use and a Faster Method of Payment

When you consider the whitepaper published by Satoshi Nakamoto, you will see that Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency used completely digitally. This means that when you make transactions with Bitcoin, no matter their size, they will be carried out almost instantaneously. The transactions are also low cost when weighed up against what they would likely come to when using regular currency on networks such as Visa and Mastercard.


Bitcoin is one of the most popular forms of cryptocurrency out there, and for a good reason. When you buy Bitcoin and begin to use it, you start to see just how many benefits there are to doing so. A lot of these benefits are outlined in more detail above, although there are a lot more where they came from. The fact it is becoming more mainstream is easier to use than regular currency, and does not require permission means that it is a solid investment.

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