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Wife Throws "Balls Voyage" Party For Husband's Vasectomy

Moms go through a lot when it comes to child birth. For nine months, you are essentially renting out part of your body while you grow another human being.  Whether it's through natural birth or c-section, you're pushed to the limits.  

But people forget that some dads are also put through the ringer...only their turn is after birth. Any man who has had a vasectomy will tell you it's not the least bit pleasant, which is why Kimberly Hemperly decided to throw her husband, Jason, a party when the time came for his.

The couple shares two kids, ages four and five months, and they decided that was enough.

"I had two c-sections with our two kids (9lb and 9.15) so it's pretty cool of him to do something like this for me," Hemperly posted on Facebook. "That's why I knew I had to throw him a little party, something to show how much I cared and appreciated what he was doing."

To say Hemperly went "balls to the wall" for this party would be a understatement.

Hemperly threw a "Balls Voyage" party for Jason, and it's gone completely viral.

"I initially heard of the "balls voyage" theme on The Real Housewives of Orange County," Hemperly told Shared. "One of the wives threw a booze cruise party for her husband on a yacht. I clearly didn't have those means. So I wandered the aisles of the grocery store looking for anything balls/sausage related and I made some fun shirts for the 3 of them."


"I've got a local friend (Emily Johns) who makes amazing cakes," Hemperly continued. "I messaged her with the idea not sure of what she would say or think. Luckily she's not judgmental and found the humor in it."

Jason had no idea the party would be happening, but he went right along with it.

"It was a surprise for him when he got home from work on Sunday," Hemperly revealed. "It was just us and the kids and a lot of laughs. Anyone that knows me knows that this is 100% my sense of humor. I love to laugh, make people laugh, and find the light in any kind of situation."

The post has been shared over 45,000 times, but it's not really affecting Jason at all.

"He's the most kind-hearted, compassionate and caring man, let's make that known!" Hemperly told Shared. "Especially since he agreed to let me post this! He's not on social media, so he doesn't fully understand how big it's gotten."

Of course, because the internet is the internet, Hemperly says not all the feedback has been positive.

"Since the post went "viral".....OMG! Jesus take the wheel," she joked with Shared. "It hurts my brain to try and understand how people come up with half the stuff they say. I think the majority of people found the humor in it, which was the point. But there's been a few bad eggs who are completely clueless and need Jesus."

What do you think about Hemperly's party?

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