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Arizona Teen Asks Emma Stone To Prom With An Elaborate La La Land-Worthy Gesture

<div><p>If you're a big fan of the Oscar-nominated movie <em>La La Land</em>, you're in for a treat. </p><p>17-year-old Jacob Staudenmaier from Phoenix, Arizona loved the movie too, and that's why he decided to go all out for prom this year. But he didn't want just any girl from the school. Staudenmaier had his sights set on Oscar-winning best actress Emma Stone. </p><p>"I love <em><em>La La Land.</em></em> It was one of my favorite films of the year, and I've always loved Emma Stone as an actress, especially in her film <em><em>Birdman</em></em>," <a href="http://mashable.com/2017/04/05/la-la-land-promposal-emma-stone/#wyh.yFfGMPqk">Staudenmaier said</a>.</p><p>In an effort to get the actress's attention, he re-created the <em>La La Land</em> opening scene with his own version of "Another Day of Sun." With the help of friends and teachers, the future filmmaker, tailored the song to be a "promposal." </p><div><figure><amp-img src="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/PromProposal.jpg" srcset="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/PromProposal_GH_content_550px.jpg 550w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>The Wrap</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p></p><p>"I decided to ask Emma Stone to prom by recreating the opening scene from La La Land, her most recent movie," <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7j5wPwPPG8">Staudenmaier said</a>." I rewrote the lyrics to the song myself and directed the video and did the choreography too, but thank you so much to all the friends and adults who came out to help make it happen." </p><p>Staudenmaier posted the video on YouTube and it's already had over 300,000 views. You have to see it! </p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="r7j5wPwPPG8"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Emma Stone <a href="http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/emma-stone-responds-la-la-land-promposal-video-991967">responded</a> to the "promposal" by writing a letter to the teen:</p><p>"JACOB, thanks for making the greatest proposal I've ever received. I can't tell you what an honor that was and how much I smiled through that entire beautifully orchestrated video. I'm in London working, but I hope you have the best time at prom, and I'm grateful you thought of me. THANK YOU. P.S. I do see Gosling around the eyes. Love, Emma."</p><div><figure><amp-img src="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/160601-news-emma-stone.jpg" srcset="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/160601-news-emma-stone_GH_content_550px.jpg 550w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/160601-news-emma-stone_GH_content_650px.jpg 650w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/160601-news-emma-stone_GH_content_750px.jpg 750w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/04/160601-news-emma-stone_GH_content_850px.jpg 850w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>TV Guide</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p><strong>Don't forget to SHARE this amazing video!</strong></p></div>

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