
Mom Frustrated Behind Slow Vehicle Pulls Closer Then Sees Note Posted, Slowly Backs Off

Road rage, it is the fruit of impatience. Many people experience this whether it being the person is the one who is angry one or, being the target of that anger.

Everyone at some point feels one side or the other. But for one busy mom whose name is Hailey, got a reality check one morning when she was following a little too close to a vehicle. Hailey, like most busy moms, had a very busy day scheduled. There was no time for any delays of anything or anyone to get in her way.

Just some of the things she had planned for today was cleaning, shopping, and writing for her blog "Thoughts, Dots, and Tots," and doing all this while being a wife and mother at the same time. It was a typical day with running around and getting errands done. Free time was not something she knew very well and very seldom experienced.


For some reason, it always seems like when people are in a hurry they always get stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle on the highway. Today it was no different.

Like many drivers, blood pressure starts to rise, anger and impatience begin to take hold of every fiber of one's being, and all a person thinks about is they have to get this done so they can move on to the next task. It seems like everything in life is one big rat race, rushing to get from one point to another without the consideration of the other people and what they may be going through.

Following behind his vehicle, Hailey realized that there was a sign on the vehicle on the back glass when she stopped at a red light. She took a moment to read it and then realized how selfish in the moment she had been.

She suddenly felt guilty as all impatience had left her. The sign simply read, "learning stick sorry for any delay."

A person who is not used to driving a manual vehicle has a lot of trouble shifting gears and mostly it's when to shift, they have the problem.

The person in front of her was taking extra precautions and driving slow but at least they took the time to place a note on the back glass to let other people know they were having trouble.

This was Hailey looking at the bright side of things and taking notice that it was one of the first few times driving a manual vehicle they were doing pretty good. Her attitude toward the situation changed quickly as she saw it through the driver's eyes but still questioned herself if she would have still felt the same way had she not seen the sign. Hailey admitted that it would not have changed how she felt before.

Many times people are in such a hurry that they do not think clearly in certain situations. They neglect to see the whole picture of what the other person is going through in their situation.

Hailey posted this story on her Facebook post in hopes that it would reach out to people to maybe slow down a little bit, be kind to one another, try to understand one another. Her exact words were, "Let's give everyone an extra dose of patience, kindness, and love..."

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