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Make Your Own Dog Friendly Chew Toy That Will Help Keep Your Pup Healthy

Nicole Rivard/Facebook

Dogs love to chew, and will chomp on pretty much anything they can get their teeth on (like your brand new pair of shoes!). Why not give them something healthy to chew that you can make yourself for cheap?

This Sweet Potato Dog Toy will have your pup jumping for joy! Not only is it easy to make but it's healthy for your furry friend. The toy is a good way to help keep their teeth and gums healthy, but it's also good if your pooch has a sensitive tummy - sweet potatoes are recommended for dogs with digestive issues or have special diets. Once they try it, they're going to be obsessed!

Check out these adorable pups who love their sweet potato toys!

Make sure to share this will all the dog lovers in your life.

You can get the full list of materials and directions for this sweet potato rope toy below.


  • Sweet potatoes (2 are enough for a medium sized toy)
  • Hemp or jute rope
  • Cookie cutter (to cut out the centers of your sweet potato slices)


  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Cut your sweet potatoes into slices about 1 inch thick.
  3. Use your cookie cutter to cut out the center of each slice.
  4. Place your sweet potato rings on a cookie sheet and bake for 2.5 hours. Flip the sweet potatoes and bake them again for another 2.5 hours.
  5. Your sweet potato rings will now be fully dried out (if they aren't bake them for another 30 minutes). They should be dry and chewy.
  6. Take a few strands of your rope and knot one end. Make sure that the knots are tight, you don't want your pooch to undo them!
  7. The knot should be big enough so that your potato rings don't slide past them. Add all your rings on the rope and tie another sturdy knot at the end.
  8. Your dog toy is now ready for your fur baby to enjoy!

Do you know someone who would love making this toy for the fur babies in their life? Make sure to share these instructions with them!

Watch our video below that shows you step by step how to make your very own Sweet Potato Rope Toy for your pups.

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